Sunday, August 21, 2011


you, my darling child leave me utterly stunned - dazed - and i face a plethera of emotions all which include; joy, enthusiasm, pride, adoration and great appriciation for the light you have cast upon my often weary heart. I watched you spin in circles to the whimsical music, as it floated around your little arms, i gleamed as you flung your head back and smiled as the wind brushed your hair against your tiny glasses. your raw and sheer delight -, in twirling without thought captivates my attention. you draw all eyes to you the moment you walk into a room -- i can only imagine you as a young woman bold, brilliant and full of unlimited potential. i then blink and your little legs are growing, your limbs lengthening your body stretching as you grow centemeters or inches taller, your movements are well developed and your mind a whirlwind of thoughts. vocabulary is getting better, but i still love that you have your toddler accent. "thank you muma" you say to me, or "i'm sorry muma" - i do not know how you are so polite but im proud. you make my heart swell, and my eyes fill with the glistening of tears - pride. you are my pride and joy-- you are the gift of life that has given me - all one could ever wish for - you - her - my girl ---


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